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April 2024


General Conference 2024

General Conference takes place from April 23 to May 3, 2024, in Charlotte, North Carolina (USA)....


May 2024


Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B

Every single one of us can probably use a refresher on what it means for us as Christians to bear fruit. That is what this week’s text is all about!...


May 2024


Seventh Sunday of Easter, Year B

We need the opportunity to submit ourselves as individuals and as a community to the work of living in peace with one another, working together toward the flourishing of all people...

Discipleship Ministries at General Conference 2024

Read more about legislation proposed to General Conference for consideration in 2024 by the General Agencies of The United Methodist Church.

SCD 2024

With more than two decades of providing exceptional learning and networking experiences for church leaders, nationally and internationally, SCD is set to empower and inspire again!

Discipleship Ministries eLearning

Receive high-quality information that will enrich your faith life! Check out a full list of online course offerings, including some that offer Continuing Education Units.